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Hold & Tank Cleanliness

All your maritime needs with

one maritime family

We inspect the vessel's cargo worthiness, including hold or tank condition and cleanliness, and the general suitability to load a particular cargo. 


This visual inspection of the cleanliness of the cargo holds/tanks of the vessel is important to minimize at the maximum, any contamination possibles of the cargo, thus avoiding future problems in transportation.

After discharge, cleaning a cargo hold is more than simply sweeping, brushing, and rinsing down the holds with water. Preparation of cargo holds for the next intended carriage is crucial for bulk carrier operations, demanding careful planning and skilled execution. 


A lack of proper preparation leads to claims related to cargo quality, such as contamination, water ingreshortage claims, and also contractual claims relating to failed or delayed surveys, off-hire claims, and charter party disputes. To ensure that the voyage proceeds smoothly, it is very important to pay careful attention to the cargo during the fixing period. Otherwise, the hoped-for profits can turn into serious losses.


Cargo hold cleanliness depends on the valuable cargo, the next cargo, local and specific cargo interest requirements. Improper cleaning agents used cloud result in discoloration of coating, rust, and corrosion problems, as well as the rejection of cargo, holds which is translated in serious losses. Cleaning methods have different norms depending on previous and next cargo, as well as regional regulations and specific cargo interest requirements.


Cleaning bulk cargo is one of the primary issues onboard vessels. It involves not only masters and ship crew but also office-operation managers and in some cases even an external specialist. Preparation for loading new cargo requires a very significant cleaning procedure. 


Before any documentation is handed over, the authority of the ship's operator is required. The surveyor may also ask for additional documentation, depending upon the nature of the cargo and the trade area.


It must be kept in mind that the carrier must show that the ship has been maintained in a seaworthy condition, that due diligence has been exercised for the safe carriage of the cargo, and that any damage to the cargo has been due to circumstances beyond the control of shipboard officers. If these can be proven by documentary evidence a claim can be avoided.

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