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When Experience is needed,

Contact the Experts

We are an organization comprised of highly qualified and experienced marine engineers committed to serving the local and international markets with the highest standards.


International Marine Experts (IME) is a diversified Marine Surveying and Consultancy Company dedicated to serving the Marine and Insurance Industry with the highest quality standards.

Our company specializes in Marine Surveys, Dry, Liquid and Refrigerated Cargo Inspections, Marine Claims & Loss Adjusting, Project Cargo Inspections, Flag States Inspections, Marine Consultancy, and Marine Accident Investigations.

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Cleaning a Cruise Ship

Marine Surveys

International Marine Experts (IME) provides availability of surveyors to attend on behalf of Hull and Machinery Underwriters at Panama and at all major ports in Latin America...


Marine Specialist

IME carries out flag state inspections and accident investigations on behalf of a number of flag state authorities.


Bunker Survey

IME offers Bunker Surveys in all the major bunker ports of Panama, performed in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute standards.

Cargo Worker

Cargo Inspections

IME is looked upon as one of the preeminent providers of Cargo Inspection Services in Panama and Nearby countries. As the trusted Cargo Surveyor, we have catered to...


Casualty Surveys

and Accident Investigations

IME provides a global service to lawyers, underwriters, P&I clubs, and ship owners to investigate, report, and act as an expert witness on marine and energy casualties.

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Flag State Inspection

IME carries out flag state inspections and accident investigations on behalf of a number of flag state authorities.


Offshore Vessel Inspections (OVID)

OVID is an inspection protocol that will allow project and marine assurance teams to assess the safety and environment...


Insurance Claims & Loss Adjusters

International Marine Experts (IME) provides full-service Loss Adjusters who facilitate the settlement of both simple and complex claims. We act on the instructions of the client and immediately assess...


Marine Chemist

International Marine Experts (IME) has been duly authorized by the Panama Maritime Authority as a Marine Chemist Company...

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IHM Survey

The Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) was introduced in the 2009 Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships. All ships weighing over 500GT will be required to carry the Inventory of Hazardous Materials.


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