Numerous surveys have been carried out on behalf of P&I Clubs. Our surveys included open-hatch, Oil Spills, pre-shipment, pre-entry, damage, and follow-up surveys. We concentrate on cargo worthiness and act proactively in assisting Master and Crew in mitigating the risk of cargo damage.
We provide the entire scope of surveys to be conducted on behalf of Mutual and Fixed Premium P&I Clubs and Liability Underwriters.​

Our surveyors are Certified Operators qualified for Hatch Covers Ultrasonic Tightness Test with the Class Type Approved Sherlog TA.
Our services include cargo damage and vessel condition surveys, incident investigation (including navigation and ship management issues), collision, grounding, or contact incidents.
IME offers the following scope of P&I survey services:

Pre-entry and routine condition surveys

Loss prevention surveys

Collision, FFO, pollution, and other casualties

Ultrasonic leak testing of hatch covers

Draft and ullage surveys

The entire scope of cargo surveys

Personnel injury and death

Oil Spills